Old Hickory Estate Planning Attorneys
Old Hickory Estate Planning Attorneys
Backed by Extensive Experience Handling Even the Most Complex Cases
The old adage “be prepared” has never been truer than when it comes to your estate. While estate planning initially appears to be only for the very old or the very wealthy, nothing could be further from reality. Unfortunately, adults die every day at all stages of life from tragic circumstances such as car accidents, illnesses, and other causes. These individuals may be leaving behind small children, homes, pets, investments, a treasured family heirloom, and other belongings. Without a will or estate plan, those items and the fate of any children may then be left up to the court system to decide without any input from the deceased.
AtLackey | McDonald, PLLC, we are here to help you prevent that from happening. While it may not be pleasant to contemplate your own death or incapacity, doing so can put your heirs, beneficiaries, and family at risk. We offer compassionate and committed legal guidance to help you get the answers you need to questions. We will address your concerns, provide education on the matter as well as options, and help you create legal documentation to handle the various and unique aspects of your estate and the people, charities, and more that you wish to protect. Our skilled legal team wants to ensure that your wealth and legacy are protected. With our help, all of your health and financial affairs can be “in order” and documented according to the law.
Want to talk to a trusted lawyer about estate planning? Reach out to Lackey | McDonald, PLLC at (615) 392-4916 to through our online request form to schedule a complimentary consultation.
Estate Planning Services We Provide for You
Our Old Hickory estate planning lawyers offer experienced legal counsel in helping you build a comprehensive estate plan customized to your unique situation.
These plans can involve the following legal instruments used to protect you and your heirs in a number of ways:
- A last will and testament that commonly forms the foundation of your estate plan. This document outlines your assets, names your beneficiaries and heirs, lays out how and when they should receive which assets, and appoints an executor to see that your instructions are carried out.
- Various types of trusts, such as revocable living trusts that place your assets into a separate legal entity. You retain control over the management of these assets while alive. Upon your death, your named trustee(s) will carry out your instructions for the smooth transfer of assets. Other types of trusts can be set up for specific purposes, such as a trust for a special needs or disabled family member, charitable trusts, and more.
- Powers of Attorney that appoint a trusted person to make financial or life decisions should you become unable to manage them due to illness or incapacity.
- Advance Directive for Health Care, a document that outlines the treatments you want or do not want when terminally ill or permanently unconscious.
- Guardianships set up for the care and raising of a minor child should you pass away or for the care of a disabled adult family member.
- Designation of whom your heirs are in the matter of insurance policies or other benefits that may not need to go through probate.
The benefits of having an estate plan are numerous. They give your family and beneficiaries clarity on exactly how you want your estate to be settled once you are gone. This helps to reduce the risk for contested litigation from various parties who, without any instructions from you otherwise, might engage in expensive and time-consuming court battles. An estate plan helps to prevent any confusion as to what your wishes are. It may also reduce estate or inheritance taxes, help you avoid probate, protect assets, minimize expenses, and give you and your family peace of mind.
Ready to Explore Your Options for an Estate Plan?
If you are ready to reap the benefits of having an estate plan set into place, we welcome the opportunity to provide you the legal representation you need. Since our firm was established in 1936, we have served clients throughout the area with skill, integrity, and proven results. No matter how small or large, simple or complex your estate may be, we can create efficient and effective plans to suit your needs.
We are available at (615) 392-4916 or through our online request form. Contact us to set up your free consultation today.