Advance Directive
Nashville Advance Directive Attorneys
Advance Directives for Nashville Residents
Advance directives are legal documents that allow a person to specify what type of medical care they want or do not want if they become unable to make decisions for themselves. There are two types of advance directives: living wills and healthcare proxies.
A living will provides instructions for end-of-life medical care, while a health care proxy designates someone to make medical decisions on a person's behalf.
It is important to create advance directives because they allow a person to have control over their medical care, even if they are unable to communicate their wishes. If a person does not have an advance directive, a court may decide what type of medical care will be provided, which may not be in the person's best interest.
Our attorneys can help you create an advance directive that meets your needs. Call (615) 392-4916 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation.
What Is a Living Will?
A living will is a document that allows a person to specify what type of medical care they want or do not want if they become unable to make decisions for themselves. It can cover a variety of medical situations, such as if a person is in a coma, terminally ill, or in a vegetative state. This document may also cover situations that may not be terminal, such as if a person has dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
A living will may cover specific medical care, such as:
- Life support
- Artificial nutrition and hydration
- End-of-life medical care
- Use of experimental treatments
- Resuscitation directives, such as CPR
- Hospice care
- Comfort care
What Is a Health Care Proxy?
A healthcare proxy, also referred to as a durable power of attorney for healthcare, is a legal document that allows you to appoint an individual ('agent') to make medical decisions on your behalf in the event you are unable to do so. This differs from a living will, which is a written statement detailing a person's desires regarding their medical treatment in circumstances in which they are no longer able to express informed consent. Key differences include:
- A healthcare proxy involves appointing a trusted individual to make health decisions for you, whereas a living will solely involves written instructions.
- A healthcare proxy is more flexible, allowing your appointed agent to make decisions using their judgment in unforeseen situations, while a living will is strictly bound to the directives provided.
- A living will only comes into effect when you're incapacitated and facing a terminal illness or permanently unconscious, while a healthcare proxy is effective anytime you are unable to make or communicate your healthcare decisions.
Healthcare proxies are often used in conjunction with advance directives, which are legal documents that specify your wishes for end-of-life care and treatment. By appointing a healthcare proxy, you can ensure that your medical decisions will be made according to your own values and beliefs, rather than relying on medical professionals or family members who may not know all of your wishes.
Advance Directive for Nashville Residents
An advanced directive is crucial because it ensures your healthcare choices are respected and followed, even when you are unable to communicate or make decisions. It prevents a potential dispute or confusion about your wishes among family members and healthcare providers, reducing stress during an already difficult time.
Engaging with an estate planning attorney in this process can be invaluable. At Lackey | McDonald, PLLC, our legal professionals have the experience to guide you through the complexities of healthcare laws and regulations, ensuring the document is legally sound and your wishes are clearly articulated. We can also assist in choosing a suitable healthcare proxy, providing advice, and clarifying any uncertainties.
Our Nashville advance directive attorneys can help you create an advance directive that meets your needs. Call (615) 392-4916 or